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• How can I tell if I’m in the wrong study program?
• What’s causing the problems I’m having with my studies?
• What criteria should I use when choosing a new study program? What other aspects do I need to consider?
• How do I change study programs (change of subject)?
• How will changing the program affect my options for funding my studies and my opportunities in the job market?
Read more about the administrative steps involved when changing degree or study programs.
If you receive financial aid from the government (cantonal, under the Federal Training Assistance Act etc.), you may face consequences when switching study programs. It is therefore important to contact the relevant office (cantonal stipends office, Augsburg student services etc.) for details in good time.
Would you like to discuss your choice or intention to change subjects?
We would be happy to make an appointment. Please call us during our open telephone consultation hours and we will schedule an appointment for you.
You can choose a minor program – in line with your abilities and interests – either at your own faculty or another UZH faculty. At the Bachelor's level, the minor program enables you to supplement and extend your study program or to start specializing in a certain field. Those who intend to continue in a Master's program after having completed their Bachelor's studies can prepare by taking a look at the programs and the combinations (major/minor) at the Master’s level. On the other hand, the choice of minor subject can be an ideal way of preparing for a Teaching Diploma for upper secondary education already at the Bachelor's level.
Is the minor program your are looking for not being offered? In principle, it is possible to enroll at UZH and then take the minor subject at another university in Switzerland. This is referred to as student mobility in a minor subject (outbound). Please ask the Office of the Dean of your major program whether such a minor program is recognized before you contact the university that offers it.
Would you like to discuss your choice of a minor subject?
We would be happy to make an appointment. Please call us during our open telephone consultation hours and we will schedule an appointment for you.
Students can choose either a single major study program or a combination of a major and a minor. The following combinations are possible for Bachelor’s students:
Please inform yourself about the available formats for your study program of interest (major 120 or 150 ECTS, minor 60 or 30 ECTS, single major for Bachelor’s level). Any restrictions regarding possible study program combinations will be defined in the program regulation.
We urge you to consider the following questions before repeating an exam:
Psychological Counseling Services offers support in coping with anxiety about examinations or repeat examinations in courses for groups.
Coping with exclusion
Exclusion often triggers feelings of personal disappointment.
Would you like to learn more about the reasons for having been excluded from your chosen course of study in order to find a new direction that fully matches your interests and strengths?
We would be happy to meet with you in person to discuss your options. Please send us an e-mail and we will suggest a time in which to meet. Before the meeting, please take time to think about your interests and strengths.
The Psychological Counseling Services of the University of Zurich are available as well if you would like to talk with a counselor about your situation.